Frequently Asked Questions

Why use a middleman service?

A middleman service eliminates the time, effort, and cost needed to vet a factory. You can safely order without any of the hassle and with the ability to see honest samples made by other artists!

What’s an MOQ?

Minimum Order Quantity. Factories often require a specific number of items per design to be ordered. This number is called the MOQ.

Is there a way to get items at a smaller quantity?

Join the discord server! Group orders are hosted everyday that offer lower quantities per design for a multitude of items.

What is the difference between solo ordering and group ordering?

Solo orders are on your time! While the MOQ is often higher as opposed to a group order, you get to decide when your order is placed as well as the items shipping directly to you.

How does a group order work?

A group order is an order placed by a group! Because multiple artists join these orders, item and shipping prices are cheaper. By joining a group order artists are able to purchase stock with much smaller MOQs than solo orders.


How can I contact you about an order?

There are three ways to get in touch – use the contact field and fill out all necessary information for your order, send an email to, or send a direct message through the discord server.

Is there a way to order an item not listed on the website?

Yes! Feel free to reach out with the type of item you’d like made and any specifications.